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移工兼差打工的法律風險 !

最新公告 / 法令政策






◆ 移工自行從事許可範圍以外的工作,違反就業服務法第73條規定,可能被廢止聘僱許可,並被令出國,不得再在台灣工作。

◆ 雇主在明知或可得而知移工兼差打工的情況下,未加以阻止,也會被視為違法行為,可能面臨罰款及其他處分。

◆ 國人未經申請許可聘僱或容留外國人工作,違法者將面臨15萬元以上至75萬元以下的罰鍰。

★  請勿以身試法,遵守工作許可範圍,保護自己和雇主的權益!★ 


Important Reminder

Legal Risks of Moonlighting for Migrant Workers 

Some migrant workers take on side jobs during their days off to earn more money. This practice carries significant legal risks! According to the Ministry of Labor, migrant workers are only allowed to perform tasks and work at locations specified in their work permits.

◆ Migrant workers who engage in unauthorized work activities violate Article 73 of the Employment Service Act. They risk having their work permits revoked and being deported, preventing them from working in Taiwan again.

◆ Employers aware of or who should reasonably be aware of their migrant workers moonlighting and fail to stop it are also considered to be acting unlawfully. They may face fines and other penalties.

◆ Taiwanese citizens who hire or harbor foreign workers without the necessary permits face fines ranging from NT$150,000 to NT$750,000.

★Do not break the law. Adhere to the work permit scope to protect your rights and those of your employer! ★

關鍵字:外籍看護工, 照護專業, 外籍女傭, 托嬰, 專業外籍移工引進, 衛武營, ai, 太陽能, 阮綜合醫院, 長期照護, 義大醫院, 榮總, 802醫院, 台大醫院, 長庚醫院, 高雄醫學院, 外籍勞工, 外籍廠工, 流行音樂中心, 巴氏量表諮詢服務, 移工仲介, 安養院, 人力派遣, 旅遊景點, 外勞移工, 醫院看護, 外勞仲介

外籍看護工, 照護專業, 外籍女傭, 托嬰, 專業外籍移工引進, 衛武營, ai, 太陽能, 阮綜合醫院, 長期照護, 義大醫院, 榮總, 802醫院, 台大醫院, 長庚醫院, 高雄醫學院, 外籍勞工, 外籍廠工, 流行音樂中心, 巴氏量表諮詢服務, 移工仲介, 安養院, 人力派遣, 旅遊景點, 外勞移工, 醫院看護, 外勞仲介|移工兼差打工的法律風險 !
